Thursday, January 18, 2018

OUGD601: Is being a YouTuber a feasible career?

A trending topic on Twitter this week was a school had a dress up / non uniform day telling kids to dress as their future career but advised them not to dress up as a celebrity, sports person or youtuber.

Jack Green who is a GB Olympian said this in response to the letter.

Which lead to this response:

It's obviously important to tell children, not even just children but students, young people who have not started their careers yet to have a "Plan B." However, advising only a "realistic" Plan A is very discouraging especially at a young age. As if saying taking years to study to be a professional lawyer or medical person is easier than working to achieve a dream.

It's also incredible to think that YouTube and Blogger has actually become a career choice. Whereas I knew it was something when I was younger but these kids fully dream of being it when they are older as their full time job. It's a normalised thing whereas before YouTube would just be some vloggers and cat videos. The use of social media to make jobs has risen so much within the past couple of years.

Bigger YouTubers can fully commit to YouTube as a full time job, the same as bloggers. If you have a big enough following you will gain the money to support that as a career but for a lot of people it is a side job or creative hobby which also is how a lot of people start but if you don't have a following you should not quit your job just to commit to a job that brings in no income unless maybe you're young and live and home where family can support you. Everyone has bills to pay.

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