Friday, January 19, 2018

OUGD601: End of Module Self Evaluation

The research into blogging and online celebrity was interesting because people don't realise how far social media has come in terms of advertisement.

I'm happy with how this project came together and all the research and feedback was helpful.

I feel like for this module I managed my time really well. I find to do lists really helpful and writing rough deadlines to when I want things done keeps me on track.

I found the limitations of my essay and dissertation were not having a massive audience to view my content but obviously that was never going to happen being a fairly new blogger that does not post daily or full time.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

OUGD601: Branded Celebrity

Branded celebrity

Charlie is so cool like:

By situating Charlie’s ‘How to be English’ in the context of establishing celebrity, the article argues that the processes of celebrification and ‘self-branding’ utilise the power of identity myths to help assist the construction of a celebrity persona. Use of masks and myths allows for one to develop various aspects of their persona into personas. One such persona for Charlie is his ‘Englishness’. As the social experience of ‘Broadcasting yourself’ necessarily asks one to turn ordinary aspects of their person into extra-ordinary qualities, Charlie’s use of Englishness allows ‘being English’ to become a mythological device to overcome the problem of ‘self-promotion’.

Zoella brand backlash on advent calendar:

YouTube star Zoella has addressed the controversy surrounding her own brand advent calendar after customers complained that it was a 'pile of tat' and unworthy of its £50 price tag.
In her latest video on her secondary channel MoreZoella the 27-year-old defends her product and claims it was the retailer who made the decision on the calendar's price.
In the video entitled Christmas Adverts and How We Met, Zoella, real name Zoe Sugg, speaks from multi-million pound home in Brighton in which she explains that the price tag was not 'her intention.' 

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How brands use of online celebrity influencers is maturing

According to research by blog discovery website Bloglovin’ 32% of marketers saw influencer campaigns as being essential to their strategies, with 41% admitting to seeing more success from their influencer campaigns over their traditional advertising.
“Brands are learning,” states Peter Willems, head of marketing activities and sponsorship for world footballing body, Uefa, while speaking on a panel organized by FCB Inferno about influencers and his experience of working with them through the launch of a new project alongside freestyle soccer skills channel, F2.
“Brands are more and more trying to put the objective first. We believe in data but we struggle a little bit with specific target groups, especially youngsters, and therefore one of the objectives of working with F2 was to grow our database within that specific target group. We believe at the moment that influencers can help us there.” he continues to explain, adding that sharing the objective with the influencers who are involved in the collaboration is now crucial too.

OUGD601: Practical Blog Post Items Gifted

Gifted products for a blogpost. 

With disclaimer posted at the bottom of the product post for transparency. 

OUGD601: Is being a YouTuber a feasible career?

A trending topic on Twitter this week was a school had a dress up / non uniform day telling kids to dress as their future career but advised them not to dress up as a celebrity, sports person or youtuber.

Jack Green who is a GB Olympian said this in response to the letter.

Which lead to this response:

It's obviously important to tell children, not even just children but students, young people who have not started their careers yet to have a "Plan B." However, advising only a "realistic" Plan A is very discouraging especially at a young age. As if saying taking years to study to be a professional lawyer or medical person is easier than working to achieve a dream.

It's also incredible to think that YouTube and Blogger has actually become a career choice. Whereas I knew it was something when I was younger but these kids fully dream of being it when they are older as their full time job. It's a normalised thing whereas before YouTube would just be some vloggers and cat videos. The use of social media to make jobs has risen so much within the past couple of years.

Bigger YouTubers can fully commit to YouTube as a full time job, the same as bloggers. If you have a big enough following you will gain the money to support that as a career but for a lot of people it is a side job or creative hobby which also is how a lot of people start but if you don't have a following you should not quit your job just to commit to a job that brings in no income unless maybe you're young and live and home where family can support you. Everyone has bills to pay.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

OUGD601: Is YouTube a real job?

Articles that reference if YouTube is a feasible job.

OUGD601: Anonymous Beauty Blogger Interview

Interview with a blogger that preferred to stay anonymous answered questions on blogging. (Preferred to stay anonymous to be as honest as possible within the interview.)

Q1. How long have you been in the blogging industry?

“Two years.”

Q2. What made you start blogging?

“I learnt how to do makeup by watching bloggers on YouTube so I wanted to start one myself to have that impact on girls and post tutorials.”

Q3. What was the pivotal moment in your blogging career you realised you ran a successful blog that people engage with?

“When girls started messaging me asking for specific products, when instagram accounts were offering to send me free makeup and their products to advertise in my videos and when I was asked to give reviews.”

Q4. What’s the biggest change you’ve seen in the beauty community?

“The biggest change I've seen would have to be that there isn't many hair/stylist/acrylic nail bloggers.”

Q5. Do you think blogging to advertise products is more effective than more commercial means such as televised advertising?

“Yes definitely, because it targets such a huge audience and unlike an advert it's not obvious it's actually aiming to persuade.”

Q6. What are three goals for your blog/career?

“1). Teach girls how to do makeup 2). Experience and learn more in the industry 3). Not only enhance my makeup skills, but my writing and editing skills too.”

Q7. What is the process for a sponsored/ad post? (i.e: does the company normally approach you via email or other social media, how long does it normally take for the post to become live on your blog etc)

“I usually get instagram DMs and I take approx 1-2 weeks to read them, and up to a month depending what the product is. If a company is sending me products, it takes longer, if they just want a review it's up to two weeks until it gets into my blog.”

Q8. How do you get your blog noticed because the market is quite oversaturated?

“Hashtags. Following people who follow large beauty companies and tagging widely known makeup artists and bloggers. Posting regularly and keeping interactive.”

OUGD601: Interview with Mandy (

Interview with Mandy ( - Beauty blogger

Q1. How long have you been in the blogging industry?

Since 2013.”

Q2. What made you start blogging?

I saw others do it and I thought it was super interesting and I also love writing and getting my opinion across.”

Q3. What was the pivotal moment in your blogging career you realised you ran a successful blog that people engage with?

When people first started commenting and people were following me on multiple platforms.”

Q4. What’s the biggest change you’ve seen in the beauty community?

Probably the way things have grown so quickly.”

Q5. Do you think blogging to advertise products is more effective than more commercial means such as televised advertising?

I'm unsure, loads more people interact but the audience for TV is still massive in comparison. Well, dependent on the blog audience.”

Q6. What are three goals for your blog/career?

Just for me to carry on growing and for people to interact more and more, that's my only real goal, building a community.”

Q7. What is the process for a sponsored/ad post? (i.e: does the company normally approach you via email or other social media, how long does it normally take for the post to become live on your blog etc)

That really depends, I have approached a few but I have also had plenty of people approach me as well.”

Q8. How do you get your blog noticed because the market is quite oversaturated?

Mainly through sharing it on different platforms and interacting with other people. If you're active people are more inclined to be interested in you.”