Tuesday, December 12, 2017

OUGD601: How to start a beauty blog

Online beauty bloggers have posted tips on how to start a beauty blog. They tell you tips on what to do with photography, designing the blog and making it personal to you and what platforms to use. I have chosen to use blogger because of the familiarity of it because of the university blog and because a lot of bloggers start out with it then progress. A lot of people say to try make it personal but easy to ready and nice to look at. No one wants to look at something thats a carbon copy of everyone else but it also has to be easy on the eyes for legibility reasons. White text on a black background is too harsh on the eyes, it is easier to read black on a white background. Serifed fonts are usually used in body texts because they're considered easier to read than sans-serif fonts in print. 

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