Monday, December 18, 2017

OUGD601: Crit

Crit focused on the idea of what to make on the practical

Think of 5 questions to ask other about the practical work you're doing whether it’s about the design, the idea's practicality or ideas for design choices

1. What do you think about creating a blog to go with the essay?

2. Are there any bloggers or magazines that would be good to draw influence on in regards to beauty or fashion?

3. What kind of beauty posts would be interesting to read? I.e: reviews, hauls, tutorials.

4. What kind of content can be included with beauty posts?

5. Should the design use already created typefaces or hand rendered?

Pitch your essay question to the group. Say what you're doing in your essay and what your idea for your practical outcome is.

5 minutes of questions from the group

Feedback given from group:

"It's interesting to create your own blog because that's the first hand thing you can do."
"You could create blog posts for an already existing blog such as a platform that already has a big following and write features for that. Like what people do for Vice but within beauty?"
"Include reviews so then people know if a product is good or not."
"Make it as personal to you as possible."
"Hand rendered."
"Premade typefaces are more professional looking but it's up to you."
"Look at more people who influence you, draw inspiration from them."

5 tasks to do for next crit (9th January)

1. Start creating the blog

2. Start designing

3. Start blogposts

4. Research more bloggers and how they write

5. More audience research

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